by Albert Camus
Alexander Sekulov, Diana Dobreva
Diana Dobreva
Alexander Sekulov, Diana Dobreva
Nina Pashova
Petya Dimanova
Angelina Gavrilova
More than 2000 years since the death of Gaius Caesar Germanicus, better known as Caligula, could not erase his image of a cruel, unusual, and tyrannical Roman ruler. It can be boldly argued that he is one of the most controversial historical figures with an unusual and eccentric dictatorship.
"The fatigue of the ideologies gives birth to tyranny, and tyranny’s need for ideology destroys it", says the director of this extremely impressive and highly appealing performance Diana Dobreva.
Until there is no ideology beyond the exercise of pure power, which is synonymous with pure violence, tyranny is invisible, acceptable, and invulnerable. The play by Albert Camus Caligula is about a foreigner of meticulous logic, Sisyphus of absolute power.
And if the emperor is the director with an Uncontrolled will, death is the premier to which everyone is obliged to come. And the more the dictator thirsts for death, the more his regime of rule becomes the norm, a beloved canon, a single dogma of the subjects. The current historical moment makes a particularly valid understanding of Camus’s that human life is a tragic attempt to fight absolute emptiness.
Death solves nothing, and life goes on in the unbreakable silence and emptiness.
Mirela Ivanova
Irina Ivanova
Bozhidar Markov
Ivaylo Stanev
Yanina Petrova
Yavor Veselinov
Premiere: 27th of October 2017